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Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften

Dr. Piri Leeck

Porträt Piri Leeck © Roland Baege

Emil-Figge-Str. 50
Raum 3.329

(+49)231 755 8140


Office hours during semester break: 

  • Friday, 06th of September, 12:00-01:00 p.m. and by appointment via ZOOM.

Please send a  mail beforhand (latest by Wednesday) - I can prepare (or answer your question already).

Forschungsschwerpunkte / Re­search Interests

  • Listening Comprehension and Portfolio Work
  • Foreign and Second Language Learning and Teaching
  • Learning Strategies
  • Learner Autonomy
  • Task-Based Language Learning
  • Extramural English and very young learners

Funktionen / Responsibilities

  • Please note that due to reduced hours on my part, entries in BOSS will now be handled by Aleyna Ermek.
  • (Your academic record (Studienbuch) needs to be handed in to Ms. Lindsay, EF-3.118).

Dr. Piri Leeck studied English, German, Mathematics and Arts (Staatsexamen / Primary School, 2005) and English and Spanish (M.A., 2007) at Julius-Maximilians-Universität of Würzburg, taught two years at a mixed-aged-groups elementary school in Wülfrath (2007-2009) and then joined the TEFL staff at the University of Bielefeld, where she obtained her PhD on the subject of listening comprehension of very young learners and portfolio work (2013). She worked as a lecturer (LfbA) at the Universities of Siegen (2013-2016) and Münster (2016-2018), and has taught English, Business English as well as German as a Foreign Language (DaF/DaZ) courses at a private language school. She is also qualified as a sworn translator/interpreter.

Leeck, P. (2018): Stationenlernen: What’s your hobby? In Sally’s World 1/18, 13-15.

Leeck, P. (2017): Suggested reading: Tom Gates. In CLELE 1/17.

Leeck, P. (2016): Grammaring. Grammatik im Englischunterricht der Grundschule? In Grundschulmagazin Englisch 1/16, 31-34.

Leeck, P. (2015): Can second-graders be taught listening strategies? In ATINER’S Conference Paper Series, No. LNG2015-1733.

Leeck, P. (2015): Portfolio-work and its effects on listening comprehension of very young learners. In Journal of Language and Cultural Education 3/1, 89-111.

Leeck, P. (2014): Portfolioarbeit und ihre Auswirkung auf das Hörverstehen sehr junger Englischlerner. Aachen: Shaker.

Leeck, P. (2012): Some possibilities of implementing and increasing learner autonomy in the English lesson. In Lennon, P. (Hrsg.), Learner Autonomy in the English Classroom. Empirical Studies and Ideas for Teachers.Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang, 65-94.

Leeck, P.: Inviting English guests. A study project with 3rd-graders bringing extramural English words to class (presentation on ELTRIA conference, Barcelona, May 2024)

Leeck, P.: How to ... classroom discourse (Workshop at How to ... English week at university of Bielefeld, April 2024)

Leeck, P.: World Englishes – attitudes and teaching in German school context (presentation at 25th Conference of the International Association for World Englishes, Stonybrook, NY, June 2023)

Leeck, P.: English and the Very Young Learner: Storytelling (guest lecture at Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg, November 2021)

Leeck, P.: Teaching Grammar at Elementary School – How? (Workshop TEFL Day, Münster, 2018)

Leeck, P.: Teaching grammar at elementary school (guest lecture at university of Bielefeld, November 2015).

Leeck, P.: Can second-graders be taught listening strategies? (presentation at 8th Annual International Conference on Languages & Linguistics in Greece, July 2015).

Leeck, P.: Portfolio-work and its effects on listening comprehension of very young learners. (presentation at 1stCLeaR-conference in Slovakia, December 2014).

Leeck, P.: Teaching grammar at elementary school (guest lecture at university of Bielefeld, May 2014).

Leeck, P.: How portfolio-use can support listening comprehension. (Poster presentation at IATEFL-conference in Duisburg, 2010).

SoSe 2024

Past Semesters

  • Englishes in the Real World – Realities and Ontologies
  • Introduction to Teaching English 
  • Assessment - What and How?
  • Universität Bielefeld
    • Literature, Media and Intercultural Learning (GS)
    • Teaching Specific Domains of English Language Teaching (GS)
    • Introduction to Second Language Acquisition
    • Heterogeneity in Early Language Learning (GS)
    • Language Teaching Methods for Primary School (GS)
    • Teaching English Language and Literature (GS)
    • Academic writing
    • Teaching English Language and Literature (GS)
    • Researching in the Foreign Language Classroom (GS/ISP)
    • Begleitseminar Praxissemester (GS/ISP)
  • Leuphana Universität
    • Adam Smith – a visionary? (Studium Generale)
  • Universität Siegen
    • Assessing Foreign Language Abilities (Sek I)
    • Introduction to Learning and Teaching English as a Foreign Language
    • Learner Autonomy and Language Learning Strategies (Gym/ BK)
    • Learner Language: Grammar (Gym/ BK)
    • Developing Communicative Competences (GS)
    • Developing Communicative Competences (Sek I)
    • Principles and Methods (GS)
    • Principles and Methods (Sek I)
    • Vorbereitungsseminar Praxissemester (Gym/ BK)
    • Begleitseminar Praxissemester (Gym/ BK)
    • Working with Texts (HRGe)
    • Working with Words & Vocabulary Learning Strategies (GS/ Sek I)
    • Texts and (New) Media (Sek I)
    • Texts and Media: Production and Reception in Elementary School
  • Universität Münster
    • English as Foreign Language I
    • English as Foreign Language II
    • Material Analysis and Design
    • Teaching Young Learners (GS/ Sek I)
    • Increasing Autonomy in Young Learners (GS/ Sek I)
    • Language Learning Strategies
    • Praxissemester Vorbereitungs- und Begleitseminare
    • Assessment of Language Skills
    • Classroom Discourse