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Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften

Aleyna Ermek, M. Ed.

Portrait Aleyna Ermek © Roland Baege

Emil-Figge-Str. 50
Raum 3.326

(+49) 231 755 3005


Office hours during semester break: (please write me an email beforehand)

  •  Wed 31.07., 13 - 14

Forschungsschwerpunkte / Re­search Interests

  • Extramural English encounters with young learners
  • Language learning in the digital wilds
  • Teacher attitudes toward extramural English

Funktionen / Responsibilities

  • student counselor and course guidance (Studienberatung) for English didactics
  • support in research and administration

Aleyna Ermek studied English, German, and Mathematics for primary schools at TU Dortmund University. She currently works at a primary school in Marl. She joined the Applied Linguistics and ELT team at TU Dortmund in June 2023 as a research assistant.

Ermek, A. (2023) Young learners’ encounters with English outside their classrooms. MA Thesis, TU Dortmund (co-authored with Pina Schmidt).

“Young Learners’ encounters with English in Germany: Exploring the role and impact of the ‘digital wilds’ on primary level learners at two schools in North-Rhine Westphalia” Presentation at the Lingu@num conference Digital Citizenship, Digital Wilds and Language Learning & Teaching at Paris-Lodron-Universität Salzburg, Austria, November 2022, together with P. Schmidt.

“The role of English for children in German primary schools” Presentation at the Global Englishes Language Teaching (GELT) Symposium at WWU Münster, 31st May 2023, together with P. Schmidt.

“Encounters with English in the digital wilds and beyond – The role of English for children in Germany” Presentation at the 25th International Conference of IAWE (International Association of World Englishes) at Stony Brook University, New York, June 2023, together with P. Schmidt.

"Englisch jenseits des Klassenzimmers - Eine qualitative Studie zu Grundschüler:innen und ihren (Lern-)erfahrungen in den digital wilds" Presentation at the DGFF (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung at Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg, September 2023, together with P. Schmidt. 

"Young Learners' Encounters with English in Germany" Presentation at the #YouthMediaLife Conference at the University of Vienna, Austria, March 2024, together with P. Schmidt.

SoSe 2024

Past Semesters

  • English in the Digital Wilds - Students, Teachers, and Classrooms
  • Primary school students as digital citizens