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Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften

Team Englische Fachdidaktik / Applied Linguistics and ELT

In our global and di­gi­tal age, English has become the preferred medium of com­mu­ni­cation and is often used by speakers from various lingua-cultural backgrounds in varying face-to-face or virtual constellations. Exploring the variable and dynamic nature of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) along with its pedagogical as well as social implications is the main re­search focus at the Chair of Applied Linguistics and ELT / Englische Fachdidaktik und An­ge­wand­te Sprachwissenschaft at TU Dort­mund Uni­ver­sity (Prof. Dr. Susanne Ehrenreich). Current projects explore issues such as translanguaging within (B)ELF, attitudes towards ELF in education, ELF and multilingualism as well as the use of English (as a lingua franca) by adolescents in out-of-school contexts. In teaching, one of our main goals right from the start and across our curriculum in ELT and Applied Linguistics is to encourage students to develop a re­search-based ELF-awareness, which prepares them to shape their fu­ture English classrooms in ways that reflect the (super-)diversity which characterizes the use of English, often as a lingua franca, to communicate in today’s world.

For signatures for courses taught by external teachers or former staff please contact Dr. Piri Leeck.

If you need help regarding registration for your ELT/Englische Fachdidaktik courses, Nina Falter and Paula Zenker will be happy to assist you. They can be contacted at: fachdidaktik-fragen.eng.fk15@tu-dortmund.de

If you have questions regarding your course decision (or any related matter) in ELT/Englische Fachdidaktik, please contact Aleyna Ermek. She will be happy to answer your questions.