Dr. Stefanie Rottschäfer

Emil-Figge-Str. 50
Raum 3.326
(+49)231 755 2266
Office hours during the term break:
Tue, 11th Feb, 11-12
Tue, 25th Feb, 15-16
please send me an email beforehand
Forschungsschwerpunkte / Research Interests
- English as a lingua franca
- Multilingualism
- Language attitudes, Language and identity
- Sociolinguistics, Sociophonetics
- First and Second Language Acquisition
Funktionen / Responsibilities
- Lehrkoordination für den Bereich Angewandte Linguistik und Fachdidaktik Englisch
- Zertifikatsstudiengang Bilinguales Lehren und Lernen
- Ansprechpartnerin für Lehrbeauftragte
Project: FamiLingo
English as a lingua franca in the family, started at the University of Bonn in 2020.
Dr. Stefanie Rottschäfer studied Language and Communication (B.A., Universität Siegen and Université Paris XII) and Sprachlehrforschung (M.A., Universität Hamburg). She joined the MuMiS project (Mehrsprachigkeit und Multikulturalität im Studium) as a student assistant in Hamburg and then later as a research assistant in Siegen, which is where she started working on her PhD project about accent and identity of German and French university students in an ELF setting. She then joined the English linguistics chair at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum as a research assistant and obtained her PhD there. After that she worked at the chair of Bonn Applied English Linguistics as a lecturer (LfbA) and then later as a Postdoc, initiating a project on English as a lingua franca in the family (FamiLingo). In October 2022, she joined the Applied Linguistics and ELT chair at TU Dortmund as Akademische Rätin auf Zeit.
Rottschäfer, S. (2024). ELF and other languages in the family: Portraying multilingual repertoires at dinner tables across Europe. In S. Mohr & L. Ferrara (Ed.), Learning Languages, Being Social: Informal Language Learning and Socialization in Additional Languages (pp. 51-86). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110794670-003
Rottschäfer, S. (2020). A narrative approach to investigating the dynamics of language learning, multilingualism, and identity in Taiwan – Mark Fifer Seilhamer, Gender, neoliberalism and distinction through linguistic capital. Taiwanese narratives of struggle and strategy. Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 2019. Pp: vi + 220. Hardback £99.95, ISBN 978-1-78892-301-9. English Today 37(4). 1–3.
Rottschäfer, S. (2018). Accent and identity in learner varieties of English: A study with German and French university students in an English as a lingua franca setting (Inquiries in language learning 22). Berlin: Peter Lang.
“Finding Ownership of English: Multilingual Pre-Service English Teachers in Germany and Hawaiʻi” at the Brown Bag Lecture Series, Department of Second Language Studies, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, USA, 07/11/2024.
“Raising global citizens or heritage language speakers? Meaning-making in European families using English as a lingua franca” online at ISB 14 in Sydney, Australia, 29/06/2023.
“ELF and other languages in the family: Exploring parental interactional strategies” at IAWE 25 in Stony Brook, New York, USA, 16/06/2023.
“‘To me, English is kind of, like, you know, a basic bitch.’ Identity and attitudes towards English as a lingua franca in the family” online upon invitation by Kaisa S. Pietikäinen for the research groups Analyzing and Assessing Linguistic Multicompetence (AALM) and Multilingualism on my mind (MoMM) – both based in Bergen, Norway, 09/01/2023.
“‘To me, English is kind of, like, you know, a basic bitch.’ Identity and attitudes towards English as a lingua franca in the family” online at ELF13 in Tainan, Taiwan, 20/11/2022.
“‘What are they talking about?’ Discourse strategies in multilingual families using English as a lingua franca” together with Laura Petersen at BAELc11 in Bonn, Germany, 24/06/2022.
“‘oh mein gottness’ – Compiling a corpus of ELF in the family” online at New Englishes, New Methods workshop in Bochum, Germany, 25/03/2022.
“English as a lingua franca in the family” upon invitation by Christiane Meierkord at RUB in Bochum, Germany, 19/11/2021.
“The status of English as a lingua franca vs. Scandinavian languages in multilingual families in Scandinavia and beyond” online at Open Landscapes, NTNU Trondheim, Norway, 16/11/2021.
“English as a lingua franca in the family” online at ISLE 6 in Joensuu, Finland, 04/06/2021.
“Attitudes towards accents of ‘central’ and ‘peripheral’ Englishes in Uganda” together with Christiane Meierkord at the IAWE conference in Limerick, Ireland, 21/06/2019.
“Accent and identity in learner varieties of English: A study with German and French university students in an English as a lingua franca setting” at GAL-Sektionentagung in Frankfurt/Oder, Germany, 25/09/2015.
“Aussprache und Identität in Lernervarietäten des Englischen: Eine Studie mit deutschen und französischen Studierenden im Kontext des Englischen als lingua franca” at Kolloquium zur Mehrsprachigkeitsforschung, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany, 19/02/2015.
“Language identity and phonetic aspects of interlanguages: the self-awareness of German and French ELF speakers” Poster presentation at the Language and Super-diversity Conference in Jyväskylä, Finland, 06/06/2013.
“Sprachidentität und phonetische Aspekte von Lernersprachen: die Selbstwahrnehmung deutscher und französischer Studierender im ELF-Umfeld” at DGFF-Nachwuchstagung in Jena, Germany, 04/09/2012.
“Starterkurs – Module zur Förderung der studiumsbezogenen Englischkompetenz” together with Annelie Knapp at the MuMiS conference in Siegen, Germany, 19/11/2010.
WiSe 2024 / 2025
Past semesters
- Introduction to Teaching English as a Second/Foreign Language
- Second Language Acquisition
- Multilingualism: Research and Applied Perspectives
- Identity and Attitudes in Language Learning
- Universität Bonn
- Introduction to Language and Communication Studies
- English as a lingua franca
- Research Colloquium
- Bilingualism
- Research Methods in Applied Linguistics
- Vowels and Consonants
- Sociophonetics
- Identity and language attitudes
- Language in culture and cognition (Pragmatics)
- Phonetic aspects of learner language
- Lingua franca communication
- Accents of English language learners
- Sociolinguistics
- Theories and models of Second Language Acquisition
- Ruhr-Universität Bochum
- Bi-/Multilingualism
- Sociophonetics
- Accents of English
- English sounds and sound systems
- English-German language contact and crosslinguistic transfer
- English as a lingua franca
- World Englishes
- Universität Siegen
- Academic Writing
- Studying in English