Nina Falter, M.Ed.

Emil-Figge-Str. 50
Raum 3.329
Forschungsschwerpunkte / Research Interests
- Extramural English
- Gen Z and their Attitudes toward English
- Social Media and English Language Learning
Nina Falter studied English and German for secondary schools at TU Dortmund. She wrote her master’s thesis on Germany’s Gen Z and their Attitudes toward English with Prof. Ehrenreich. She previously worked as a student assistant in the team. In addition to her work in Applied Linguistics and ELT, she is pursuing a second degree in Physics at TU Dortmund.
"Attitudes of Germany's Gen Z toward the Use of English" Youth Media Life (#YML24), 25-28 February 2024, Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria.
SoSe 2025:
- Pop Culture and Soical Media in ELT