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Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften

Maryam Fatemi

Porträt von Maryam Fatemi © Roland Baege

Martin-Schmeißer-Weg 13

Raum 305


Sprechzeiten/ Consultation hours:
nach Vereinbarung/ By appointment

Focus Areas and Re­search Fields

  • Linguistic relativity
  • Thinking for speaking hypothesis
  • Grammatical gender
  • First and second language acquisition
  • Language and cognition
  • Multilingualism (cognitive advantages)

Since August 2024

Labor Manager, Psycholinguistics Laboratory, Technical University of Dortmund

Since April 2020 – Present  Time

PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Barbara Mertins and research assistant at psycholinguistics laboratories, Technical University of Dortmund

2009 – 2012

Tarbiat Modares University, Faculty of Humanities, MA program in general Linguistics

2004 –  2008

Imam Reza University, BA program in English translation


Management & Leadership Certificate, Graduate Center, TU Dortmund University 

  • Successfully completed an 80 work unit program as part of the interdisciplinary qualification program.

Summer Semester 2024

Introduction to Psycholinguistics

Introduction to Linguistic Relativity


Winter Semester 2023/24

Language Specific Patterns: The Case of Noun-Phrases 

Methods for diagnosing and supporting structural difficulties in a multilingual context: The case of Grammatical Gender

Language, Society, and Gender

Bilingual First Language Acquisition


Summer Semester 2023

Bilingual First Language Acquisition

Language, Society, and Gender


Winter Semester 2022/23

Bilingual First Language Acquisition 

Language, Society, and Gender


Summer Semester 2022

Bilingual First Language Acquisition


Winter Semester 2021/22 

Cognitive Linguistics: an Introduction


Summer Semester 2021

Introduction to Linguistic Relativity


Winter Semester 2020/21

Peaboby Picture Vocabulary Test: a standardized assessment designed to measure receptive vocabulary, which refers to a person's ability to understand spoken words.

2024   LinPin Meet-Up for Linguistics PhD Students in NRW, September 24th, RWTH Aachen University, Method Pitch Presentation titled: Exploring Grammatical Gender Influence Using the Visual World Paradigm

2024  Biennial  of Czech Linguistics: New Empirically Based Perspectives on Multilingualism, September 18th,Charles University,  Presentation titleLanguage-Specific Patterns in a Multilingual Context: the Case of Grammatical Gender

2024    Mehrsprachigkeitssymposium, May 13th, TU Dortmund, Presentation title:  Women are Mice, Akin to Rabbits, Men are Lions, Akin to Swords: How Language Shapes Reality!

2024    Sprachliche Variation und Gender Studies. Potenziale – Studien – Forschungsdesiderata, Feburary 9thUniversity of Augsburg, Presentation title: Gender in Linguistic Relativity: The Case of German and Farsi

2023    LinPin Meet-Up for Linguistics PhD Students in NRW, September 26th, Essen, University of Essen-Duisburg , Presentation title: Gender in Linguistic Relativity: The Case of German and Farsi

2023    Psycholinguistics in Flanders, May 29th–31st, Ghent, Belgium, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Presentation title: Gender in Linguistics

2022    Grenzen, Geschlecht, Gender. October 6th. TU DortmundPresentation title:  Synchronic Overview of Grammatical Gender Marking in Indo-European Languages