Marc Jones, M.A., M.Res

Forschungsschwerpunkte / Research Interests
- L2+ English phonology acquisition / L2+ Englisch Phonologieerwerb
- L2+ listening / L2+ Hörverstehen
- Neurodiversity in English language teaching, especially ADHD / Neuroiversität in
- Englishlehrkraft, besonders ADSD
- Research methods in language teaching research, particularly Bayesian statistical
- analysis and duoethnography / Forschungsmethoden in der Sprachlehrforschung,
- insbesondere Bayes'sche statistische Analyse und Duoethnographie
University of Sunderland (BA Hons) Film & Media Studies
University of Portsmouth (MA) TESOL & Applied Linguistics (Merit)
University of Portsmouth (MRes) Humanities and Social Sciences (Merit)
Lowe, R. J., & Jones, M. (2024). Exploring Duoethnography in ELT Research Ecosystems: Accessibility, Misuse, and Further Horizons. International Review of Qualitative Research0(0), 1–18.
Jones, M. (2023). Communicating Information for Decision Making: Reflections on a Leadership Communication Course. In S. Egitim & Y. Umemiya (Eds.), Leaderful Classroom Pedagogy Through an Interdisciplinary Lens (pp. 67–81). Springer Nature.
Jones, M.,& Noble, M. (2023). “What about teachers?”: a duoethnographic exploration of ADHD in ELT. Explorations in Teacher Development, 29(1), 34-45.
Jones, M., & Bruzzano, C. (2023). Reflecting Dialogically on Listening Pedagogy: A duoethnography. The Language Scholar, 11, 7-25.
Jones, M., & Blume, C. (2022). Accent Difference Makes No Difference to Phoneme Acquisition. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language Journal-TESL-EJ, 26(3), 1–22.
Jones, M. (2022b). Teaching Linguistic Landscape Research: Encouraging Learner Cognition About Language Practices. JAAL in JACET Proceedings, 4, 60–64.
Jones, M. (November 2023). Multiliteracies for student presentations. JALT National Conference. Tsukuba, Japan.
Jones, M., & Blume, C. (October 2023). Does seeing vowels increase the probability of acquisition? J-SLA International Conference. Tokyo, Japan.
Jones, M. (2023). Listening and CALL: a critical review. JALT Listening SIG Conference. 15 July 2023. Tokyo, Japan.
Jones, M. & Clark, G. (May 2023). Not necessarily a deficit: Language teachers with ADHD can and do excel. JALT PanSIG Conference. Kyoto, Japan.
Jones, M. (March 2023). Using duoethnography to develop academic skills. JACET 4th Joint Seminar. Saitama, Japan.
Jones, M. (September 2022). Listening to Global Englishes: Problems in practice. JALT Listening Conference. Kyoto, Japan.
Jones, M. (July 2022). Teaching Listening from the Bottom Up and Top Down. Yokohama JALT, Yokohama, Japan.