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Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften

Dr. Christina Ringel

Portraetfoto Dr. Christina Ringel © Christina Ringel

Emil-Figge-Straße 50, Raum 0.111 
(+49) 231 755-5289 



Please contact me if you are interested in a Bachelor’s or Master’s Thesis on a linguistic topic.

Christina Ringel completed her PhD at the English Department of the University of Cologne with a thesis on possession in the endangered Aboriginal language Miriwoong. She held a PostDoc position at the University of Cologne and is currently pursuing a PostDoc project at TU Dortmund. From 2017 until 2022 she was also a Subject Librarian at TU Dortmund for a variety of subjects in the social sciences and humanities.

Christina‘s most recent conference papers and publications are concerned with the identification rhetorical and linguistic features of certain genres using corpus linguistics, the research literacy of pre-service teachers, app creation for endangered languages, definiteness and possession in Miriwoong, evidentiality in Australian languages, and the role of linguistic human rights, self-determination and country for language vitality. 

Christina is a research affiliate at CoEDL, an Affiliated Team Member of the Centre for Australian Studies, a member of professional societies such as Foundation for Endangered Languages and the Society for Australian studies (GASt), and on the Advisory Board of FID AAC. Since October 2021, she is Managing and Reviews Editor of the Australian Studies Journal.

ORCiD: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7895-3456


Ringel, Christina & Theresa Pohle. (accepted). “A cognitive-linguistic approach to app creation for language revitalization”. Salem Mezhoud, Christopher Moseley & Hakim Elnazarov (eds.). Yearbook of the Foundation for Endangered Languages: Community ownership of language education for endangered language revitalization.Vol. 4. Brill.

Ringel, Christina & Theresa Pohle. 2024. "App-assisted language revitalization: Insights from applied cognitive linguistics". B. Bédi, Y. Choubsaz, K. Friðriksdóttir, A. Gimeno-Sanz, S. Björg Vilhjálmsdóttir & S. Zahova (eds.). CALL for all Languages - EUROCALL 2023 Short Papers. 15-18 August 2023, University of Iceland, Reykjavik. https://doi.org/10.4995/EuroCALL2023.2023.16955

Ringel, Christina. 2023. Rangga ngenandayin, lingbe berranben-nging-ngerri – Possession in Miriwoong, a non-Pama-Nyungan language of north-west Australia. PhD dissertation, University of Cologne. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:hbz:38-713276

Ringel, Christina, Leonie John & Friederike Zahn (eds.). 2023. Australian Studies Journal 37. https://doi.org/10.35515/zfa/asj.37

Ringel, Christina. 2022. “The Role of Country and Self-Determination in Revitalisation”.
Australian Studies Journal 36. DOI: https://doi.org/10.35515/zfa/asj.36/2022.02.

Ringel, Christina. 2021. “The Contributions of Linguistics to Native Title Claims”. Geoff Rodoreda & Eva Bischoff (eds.). Mabo’s Cultural Legacy History, Literature, Film and Cultural Practice in Contemporary Australia. London & New York: Anthem Press. [peer-reviewed]

Ringel, Christina. 2018. “Claiming Vitality – How Identification With Territory and Language Influences Language Vitality”. Endangered Languages and the Land: Mapping Landscapes of Multilingualism. Proceedings of the Foundation for Endangered Languages Conference XXII. Reykjavik, 23-25th of August 2018. [peer-reviewed] Available online: https://elpublishing.org/endangered-languages-and-the-land/

Ringel, Christina & David Newry 2018. “The Miriwoong Perspective on Land Rights”. Beate Neumeier, Boris Braun & Victoria Herche (eds.). Nature and Environment in Australia. KOALAS 14. Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier. 119-137.  http://www.wvttrier.de/top/Beschreibungen/ID1632.html

Murmann, Christina, Peter Indefrey, Thomas Weskott & Markus Steinbach. 2013. “Why FORGET needs help but HELP does not – An experimental study on the influence of animacy/ agreement on the distribution of the DGS agreement auxiliary PAM”. Poster at the 11th Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Re­search (TISLR) Conference. University College London. July 2013.

L2 Writing Re­search Seminar 2025: Aysel Sarıcaoğlu, Christina Ringel & Raúl García 'Communicative functions and linguistic features characterizing written summaries of research articles' University of Murcia, 05/2025

International Symposium on New Trends in Language Studies 2: Aysel Sarıcaoğlu, Christina Ringel & Raúl García 'Communicative functions and linguistic features characterizing written summaries of research articles' Social Sciences University of Ankara, 10/2024

Second Language Teacher Education 24 (SLTED): Raúl García, Carolyne Blume & Christina Ringel 'The realitea regarding foreign language teacher’s research literacies: Issues and initiatives' Masaryk University, Czech Republic, 09/2024

European Australianist Workshop 11 (EAW) 'Long and short possessive pronouns in Miriwoong' University Paris-Cité, 09/2024

FEMIDAL Workshop 2: Christina Ringel & Theresa Pohle. ‘Event-, story-, and place-based learning in an app-assisted language revitalization scenario’, 09/2023

EUROCALL Conference CALL for all languages: Christina Ringel & Theresa Pohle. ‘Basing app-assisted language revitalization on applied cognitive linguistics’, 08/2023

Foundation for Endangered Languages (FEL 26): Christina Ringel & Theresa Pohle. 'A cognitive-linguistic approach to app creation for language revitalization', 11/2022.

Foundation for Endangered Languages (FEL 25) 'Researching Evidentiality in Endangered Languages – Focus on the Australian Language Miriwoong', 12/2021.

First Global Australian Languages Workshop 'Evidentiality in Australian languages with a focus on Miriwoong', 05/2021.

PARADISEC at 100 'Informed Consent for Archiving', 02/2021.

Building Bridges (ALS 2020) 'Linguistic Human Rights v Language Shift', 12/2020.

Australian Perspectives on Migration (GASt 16) 'Migration & Language – Linguistic Rights in Australia', 10/2018.

Endangered Languages and the Land: Mapping Landscapes of Multilingualism (FEL 22) 'Claiming Vitality – How Identification With Territory and Language Influences Language Vitality', 08/2018.

Mabo’s Cultural Legacy: The Mabo Decision, 25 Years On: 'The Contributions of Linguistics to Native Title Claims', 11/2017. 

Societas Linguistica Europaea 50: Christina Ringel & Agnes Armstrong. 'Relating definiteness and exhaustivity to possession in an endangered Indigenous language of Australia', 09/2017.

Introduction to Australian Studies Lecture Series: 'Focus on Kimberley Languages'. Centre for Australian Studies, University of Cologne, 05/2017.

Society for the History of Linguistics in the Pacific 5: 'Linguistic Re­search Methods in remote Australia', 09/2016.

Nature and Environment in Australia (GASt 15): Christina Ringel & David Newry. 'The Miriwoong Perspective on Land Rights'; Dany Adone & Christina Ringel. 'Possessive constructions in two varieties of Australian Kriol', 09/2016.

Cambridge Postgraduate Workshop on Endangered Languages and Cultures: 'Researching possession in an indigenous language of Australia' (accepted), 07/2016.

Stuts 57: 'My house, my car, my hollow log – Possessive Pronouns in Miriwoong', 05/2015.

Stuts 54: 'Predicative Possession in Miriwoong', 11/2013.

Mirima Linguistic Forum 7: 'Possession in Miriwoong – Meanings of HAVE', 09/2013.

Sign Language Re­search Laboratory Haifa Workshop: 'Why FORGET needs help but HELP does not – an experimental study on the DGS agreement auxiliary PAM', 04/2013.

Stuts 51: 'What is so special on the agreement auxiliary in German Sign Language?', 05/2012.

Stuts 50: 'Kheuól – What does a french-based Creole do in Brazil?', 11/2011.

  • Winter term 2023/2024
    • ‘PHinisheD – An NRW Post-Doc in Linguistics’ LINPIN conference, University of Duisburg-Essen [invited: plenary]
  • Winter term 2021/2022:
    • 'Structural Changes in Endangered Languages − Possession' Hauptseminar Prof. Dr. Dany Adone (UoC): Endangered Languages
  • Summer term 2019: 
    • 'Triggering HAVE and BELONG constructions with Language Games' Oberseminar Prof. Dr. Dany Adone (UoC): Topics in Synchronic Linguistics
  • Winter term 2018/2019:
    • 'Triggering HAVE and BELONG constructions with Language Games' Linguistik Kolloquium PD Dr. Michael Rießler (Bielefeld University) [invited]
  • Summer term 2017:
    • 'The culture of possession in Miriwoong' Hauptseminar Prof. Dr. Dany Adone (UoC): Topics in Synchronic Linguistics
    • 'Introduction to Kimberley Languages' Ringvorlesung Prof. Dr. Dany Adone and Prof. Dr. Beate Neumeier (UoC): Introduction to Australian Studies
  • Summer term 2016:
    • 'The role of the speaker and the linguist' Hauptseminar Prof. Dany Adone (UoC): Australian Studies: Language Endangerment and Documentation
    • 'Researching Kimberley Kriol' Oberseminar Prof. Dr. Dany Adone (UoC): Readings in Linguistics, Changing Signs – Australian Languages
  • Summer term 2015:
    • 'Fieldwork with the Miriwoong People' Vorlesung Prof. Dr. Dany Adone (UoC): Languages in Australia
  • Winter term 2014/2015:
    • 'I have one sister, two legs and three axes – Using language games to document possession in Miriwoong' Masterkolloquium Dr. Melanie Wratil (HHU Düsseldorf): Morphologie und Syntax [invited]
    • 'Possessive pronouns in Miriwoong' Seminar PD Dr. F. K. Erhard Voeltz (HHU Düsseldorf): Possession, Morphologie, Syntax, Semantik [invited]
  • Summer term 2014:
    • 'Possession in Miriwoong', Hauptseminar Prof. Dr. Dany Adone (UoC): Morphosyntax of Australian Languages
  • Winter term 2013:
    • 'The agreement auxiliary PAM in German Sign Language' Re­search colloquium for Master students Prof. Dr. Peter Indefrey (HHU Düsseldorf) [invited]
  • 2022:
    • Ringel, Christina & Prof. D. Adone. 'Landeskundlicher Workshop: Australien − Einblicke in Geografie, Geschichte, Gesellschaft und die (Hoch)Schullandschaft' Personnel development workshop for intercultural competence organised by the Center for International Mobility at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences. 18 May 2022.
  • 2021:
    • Ringel, Christina. 'Wer entscheidet eigentlich welche Bücher in der Uni-Bib stehen? − Aus dem Alltag einer Fachreferentin' Presentation at the Job-Café organised by Förderlink e.V. for students, HHU. 9 March 2021.
  • 2019: 
    • Ringel, Christina & Stefanie Spiegelberg. 'Was Sprachen über uns erzählen'. Information desk and poster session at TU Dortmund's summer fair in celebration of UNESCO International Year of Indigenous Languages. 4 July 2019.
    • Ringel, Christina & Melles, Warsa. 'Language maintenance & revitalisation'. Poster at the poster session at TU Dortmund's summer fair. 4 July 2019.
  • 2018: 
    • Ringel, Christina. Chair of the panel discussion 'Migration: The Global Challenge' at the GASt conference 2018, Düsseldorf. 5 October 2018.
  • 2017:
    • Ringel, Christina. 'Feldforschungsmethoden für bedrohte Sprachen Australiens' Presentation at the Alumni colloquium organised by Studienfonds OWL. 24 May 2017.


  • Dr. Mocker Foundation grant for printing costs for doctoral dissertations (UoC)


  • Grant by the Faculty of the Arts and Humanities for the preparation of third-party funding applications (UoC)


  • Dr. Mocker Foundation conference travel grant (UoC), a.r.t.e.s. international travel grant (UoC)


  • Dr. Mocker Foundation conference travel grant (UoC)

08/2015 - 09/2015:

  • DAAD/FEL-funded research stay at Mirima Dawang Woorlab-gerring (MDWG) Language And Culture Centre; Kununurra/ Western Australia

07/2014 - 10/2014:

  • DAAD/FEL/FAZIT-funded research stay at MDWG


  • Certificate ‘Intercultural competence’ (HHU)

03/2013 - 09/2013:

  • DAAD-funded internship at MDWG


  • Certificate ‘German as a Foreign Language’ (HHU)

07/2011 - 10/2011: 

  • DAAD-funded research stay in Oiapoque, Macapá, Belém/ Brazil

03/2009 - 10/2009:

  • OWL grant in Acknowledgement of Outstanding Achievements (UPB)
  • Information Structural Constraints (UoC, Summer term 2022)
  • Aspects of Information Structure (UoC, Winter term 2021/22)
  • Introduction to Linguistics (UoC, Summer term 2021)
  • Introducing Semantics (TU Do, Summer term 2019)
  • Linguistics I (TU Do, Winter term 2018/19)
  • Grammar of Words (RUB, Summer term 2018)
  • Semantics (UoC, Summer term 2017)
  • Grammar of Words (UoC, Winter term 2016/17)
  • Sociolinguistics (UoC, Summer term 2016)
  • Introduction to Linguistics 1 (UoC, Summer term 2016)
  • Introduction to linguistics 2 (UoC, Winter term 2015/16)
  • Introduction to Linguistics 4 (UoC, Winter term 2015/16)
  • Grammar of Words (UoC, Summer term 2015)
  • Introduction to Linguistics 5 (UoC, Summer term 2015)
  • Typologie der Gebärdensprache (HHU, Winter term 2014/15)
  • Morphologie und Syntax der Gebärdensprache (HHU, Summer term 2014)
  • Australian Studies Journal



  • Centre for Australian Studies (CAS)

http://centreforaustralianstudies.org/people/ team/


  • Foundation for Endangered Languages (FEL)



  • Gesellschaft für Australienstudien (GASt)



  • Gesellschaft für bedrohte Sprachen (GBS)



  • ARC Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language (CoEDL)



  • Cologne Center of Language Sciences (CCLS)



  • Förderlink e.V.



  • Australian Linguistic Society



  • Fachinformationsdienst (FID ACC) Library of Anglo-American Culture & History



  • Fachinformationsdienst (FID) Linguistik
