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Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften
Applied Linguistics and ELT / Angewandte Linguistik und Fachdidaktik Englisch

Univ.Prof. Dr. Susanne Ehrenreich

Porträt Prof. Dr. Susanne Ehrenreich © Roland Baege

Emil-Figge-Str. 50
Raum 3.213

(+49)231 755-2958


Office hours during spring break 2025:
Tue 18th Feb 11-12, Tue 11th March 11-12
Pls write an email beforehand indicating the issue you would like to discuss.

For signatures pls contact Johanna Embacher, EF 50 R. 3.326 or at johanna.embachertu-dortmundde.



Forschungsschwerpunkte / Re­search Interests

  • Englisch als Lingua Franca (ELF), Spracheinstellungen, Communities of Practice, Soziolinguistik und Pragmatik des Englischen als Lingua Franca English as a Lingua Franca (ELF), Language Attitudes, CofPs, Sociolinguistics and Pragmatics of ELF
  • Englisch als internationale Wirtschaftssprache English as a Business Lingua Franca (BELF)
  • ELF und Englischunterricht ELF and its Pedagogical Implications
  • Interkulturelles Lernen Intercultural Communication
  • Fremdsprachenlehrerbildung / Ausbildungsforschung Teacher Education Re­search
  • Zweitspracherwerb im Rahmen von Auslandsaufenthalten SLA in a Study Abroad Context
  • Qualitativ-ethnographische Forschungsmethoden Qualitative Re­search Methods

Susanne Ehrenreich holds the Chair for Applied Linguistics and English Language Education at the TU Dortmund University. Her main research interests lie in the field of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF), particularly in the  domain of in­ter­na­tio­nal business (English as a Business Lingua Franca/BELF), and the various conceptual, empirical as well as pedagogical facets of BELF and ELF.  Before taking up her post at TU Dortmund University she was a lecturer and assistant professor at the University of Munich (2002-2010). For her post-doc project (Habilitationsstudie) she conducted a seminal study on English as a Business Lingua Franca (BELF) in two German Multinational Corporations (e.g. Ehrenreich 2010, 2016, 2018). As a member of the programme LMU Mentoring for excellent young scholars she received several grants to support her postdoctoral research. In 2004 she completed her PhD on "Residence Abroad and Teacher Education" at LMU Munich (with distinction / summa cum laude). In addition to her academic work, she was also BA-/MA-co-ordinator at the Language Centre of the University of Munich (2008-2010). From 2006 to 2007, she was Acting Professor (Lehrstuhlvertreterin) at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, and in 1997/98 as well as in 2000/01 she taught German as a Lektorin at the University of Limerick, Ireland. She is also a fully qualified teacher and has taught English and Religious Education at secondary schools in Germany (Gymnasium und Realschule) for several years. Susanne Ehrenreich is an active member in a number of national and in­ter­na­tio­nal professional organizations.

Monographie / Book

Ehrenreich, S. (2004a) Auslandsaufenthalt und Fremdsprachenlehrerbildung. Das assistant-Jahr als ausbildungsbiographische Phase. Münchener Arbeiten zur Fremdsprachenforschung (MAFF), Bd. 10. München: Langenscheidt. [zugleich Dissertation, Prädikat: summa cum laude]
Rez. von A. Küppers (2006) in Der fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch, Jg. 39, 47.


Herausgaben / Edited work

Ehrenreich, S.; M,-L. Pitzl (eds.) (2015a) "Teaching BELF, ELF and/or Intercultural Communication?" Guest Editors of Special Issue of Journal of English as a Lingua Franca (JELF) 4.1. (221 p.)

Ehrenreich, S.; Woodman, Gill; Perrefort, Marion (Hrsg.) (2008b) Auslandsaufenthalte in Schule und Studium – Bestandsaufnahmen aus Forschung und Praxis. Münster: Waxmann.
Rez. von C. O'Reilly (2010) in System: an International Journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics, Jg. 38, 640-643.


Aufsätze und Buchkapitel / Articles and Chapters

Ehrenreich, S. (2022 (2. Aufl.) / 1. Aufl. 2016) "Aus­lands­auf­ent­halt und Fremdsprachenlehrerbildung." In: Caspari, Daniela; Klippel, Friederike; Legutke, Michael; Schramm, Karen (Hrsg.) Forschungsmethoden in der Fremdsprachendidaktik. Ein Handbuch. Tübingen: Narr, 457-460.

Ehrenreich, S. (2018) "Communities of practice and English as a lingua franca." In: Jenkins, J.; Baker, W.; Dewey, M. (eds.) Handbook of English as a Lingua Franca. London: Routledge, 37-50.

Ehrenreich, S. (2016b) "Auslandsaufenthalt und Fremdsprachenlehrerbildung. Das assistant-Jahr als ausbildungsbiographische Phase." In: Caspari, Daniela; Klippel, Friederike; Legutke, Michael; Schramm, Karen (Hrsg.) Handbuch Forschungsmethoden in der Fremdsprachendidaktik. Tübingen: Narr, 417-420.

Ehrenreich, S. (2016a) "ELF in international business contexts: Key issues and future perspectives." Murata, Kumiko (ed.) Exploring ELF in Japanese Academic and Business Contexts. Routledge / Taylor & Francis, 135-155.

Ehrenreich, S. (2015c) "Introduction." (Special Issue on "Teaching (B)ELF and/or Intercultural Communication?") Journal of English as a Lingua Franca 4.1, 1-7. With M.-L. Pitzl.

Ehrenreich, S. (2015b) "Precursors: introductory remarks on Smith (1976, 1983 [1981]) and Knapp (1987)." Journal of English as a Lingua Franca 4.1, 157-158. With M.-L. Pitzl

Ehrenreich, S. (2012e) "English as a lingua franca today and tomorrow: Evolving perspectives." Journal of English as a Lingua Franca 1 (1), 181-184.

Ehrenreich, S. (2012d) "Thinking about the global language: Englishes and other languages." In: Bär, Markus; Bonnet, Andreas; Decke-Cornill, Helene; Grünewald, Andreas; Hu, Adelheid (Hrsg.) Globalisierung. Migration. Fremdsprachenunterricht. Dokumentation zum 24. Kongress für Fremdsprachendidaktik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung (DGFF), Hamburg, 28. September - 1. Oktober 2011. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren, 397-407.

Ehrenreich, S.; Jansing, Barbara (2012c) "CLIL meets ELF - Englisch als Arbeitssprache in Unterricht und Beruf." In: Bär, Markus; Bonnet, Andreas; Decke-Cornill, Helene; Grünewald, Andreas; Hu, Adelheid (Hrsg.) Globalisierung. Migration. Fremdsprachenunterricht. Dokumentation zum 24. Kongress für Fremdsprachendidaktik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung (DGFF), Hamburg, 28. September - 1. Oktober 2011. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren, 235-247.

Ehrenreich, S. (2012b) "Englisch und andere Sprachen im Beruf: Welches Englisch, welche Kontexte?" In: Fäcke, Christiane; Martinez, Hélène; Meißner, Franz-Joseph (Hrsg.) Mehrsprachigkeit. Bildung – Kommunikation – Standards. Kongressband zum 3. Bundeskongress des Gesamtverbands Moderne Fremdsprachen (GMF), Augsburg, 16.-18. September 2010. Stuttgart: Klett, 180-194.

Ehrenreich, S. (2012a) "Exchanges." In: Byram, Michael; Hu, Adelheid (eds.) Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning. 2nd ed. London: Routledge, 239-242.

Ehrenreich, S. (2011b) "The dynamics of English as a business lingua franca. A language contact perspective." In: Archibald, Alasdair; Cogo, Alessia; Jenkins, Jennifer (eds.) Latest Trends in ELF Re­search. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 11-34.

Ehrenreich, S. (2011a) "Doing Business in Europe and Beyond - Englisch als Lingua Franca und andere Sprachen in der internationalen Wirtschaft." In: Fiedler, Sabine; Busch-Lauer, Ines (Hrsg.) SprachRaum Europa. Beiträge des Themenbereichs "SprachRaum Europa" der 40. Jahrestagung der GAL. Berlin: Frank & Timme, 89-106.

Ehrenreich, S. (2010d) "English as a business lingua franca in a German MNC. Meeting the challenge." Journal of Business Communication. Special Issue "Language Matters" 47 (4), 408-431.

Ehrenreich, S. (2010c) "'Ich sag' trotzdem, was ich denke' – Kommunikationstraining für interkulturelle Begegnungssituationen." In: Gehring, Wolfgang; Stinshoff, Elisabeth (Hrsg.) Außerschulische Lernorte des Fremdsprachenunterrichts. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt, Braunschweig: Schroedel, 140-154.

Ehrenreich, S. (2010b) "Lingua Franca Englishes in internationalen Unternehmen. Stand der Forschung und Zwischenbilanz eines Forschungsprojekts." Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik. 35 (1), 7-42.

Ehrenreich, S.; O'Reilly, Claire (2010a) "AG 4: Austauschforschung." In: Altmayer; Claus; Mehlhorn, Grit; Neveling, Christiane; Schlüter, Norbert; Schramm, Karen (Hrsg.) Grenzen überschreiten: Sprachlich, fachlich, kulturell. Dokumentation zum 23. Kongress für Fremdsprachendidaktik der DGFF, Leipzig, 30. September - 3. Oktober 2009. Baltmanns­weiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren, 300-303.

Ehrenreich, S. (2009b) "English as a lingua franca in multinational corporations. Exploring business communities of practice." In Mauranen, Anna; Ranta, Elina (eds.) English as a lingua franca. Studies and Findings. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 126-151.

Ehrenreich, S. (2009a) "'Englisch als Fremdsprache' auf dem global-lokalen Prüfstand." Zeitschrift für Fremdsprachenforschung. 20 (1), 3-36.

Ehrenreich, S. (2008f) "'Teaching for residence abroad' – Blending synchronic and diachronic perspectives on the assistant year abroad." In: Byram, Michael; Dervin, Fred (eds.) Students, Staff and Academic Mobility in Higher Education. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 65-81.

Ehrenreich, S. (2008e) "Sprachlernsituation Ausland – Sprachbad-Mythen und Lingua-Franca-Realitäten." In: Ehrenreich, S. et al. (Hrsg.) Auslandsaufenthalte in Schule und Studium – Bestandsaufnahmen aus Forschung und Praxis. Münster: Waxmann, 105-121.

Ehrenreich, S. (2008d) "Auslandsaufenthalte quer gedacht - Aktuelle Trends und Forschungsaufgaben. Anmerkungen aus deutscher Warte." In: Ehrenreich, S. et al. (Hrsg.) Auslandsaufenthalte in Schule und Studium – Bestandsaufnahmen aus Forschung und Praxis. Münster: Waxmann, 29-38.

Ehrenreich, S., Woodman, Gill; Perrefort, Marion (2008c) "Einleitung." In: Ehrenreich, S. et al. (Hrsg.) Auslandsaufenthalte in Schule und Studium – Bestandsaufnahmen aus Forschung und Praxis. Münster: Waxmann, 9-17.

Ehrenreich, S. (2008a) "California – Stationenlernen in der siebten Klasse." In: Blell, Gabriele (Hrsg.) Themenheft 'Explorations: Going West'. Der fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch 42 (91), 12-19.

Ehrenreich, S. (2007e) "Living and teaching in intercultural spaces: A close(r) look at the impact of the assistant experience on prospective foreign language teachers." In: Pearson-Evans, Aileen; Leahy, Angela (eds.) Intercultural Spaces: Language, Culture, Identity.Frankfurt: Lang, 9-20.

Ehrenreich, S. (2007d) "Wortschatz." Kapitel in: Klippel, Friederike; Doff, Sabine Englisch-Didaktik. Praxishandbuch für die Sekundarstufe I und II. Berlin: Cornelsen Scriptor, 49-57. (3. Auflage 2012)

Ehrenreich, S. (2007c) "Übersetzen und Dolmetschen." Kapitel in: Klippel, Friederike; Doff, Sabine Englisch-Didaktik. Praxishandbuch für die Sekundarstufe I und II. Berlin: Cornelsen Scriptor, 113-115. (3. Auflage 2012)

Ehrenreich, S. (2007b) "Freiarbeit." Kapitel in: Klippel, Friederike; Doff, Sabine Englisch-Didaktik. Praxishandbuch für die Sekundarstufe I und II. Berlin: Cornelsen Scriptor, 272-276. (3. Auflage 2012)

Ehrenreich, S. (2007a) "Projektarbeit." Kapitel in: Klippel, Friederike; Doff, Sabine Englisch-Didaktik. Praxishandbuch für die Sekundarstufe I und II. Berlin: Cornelsen Scriptor, 276-281. (3. Auflage 2012)

Ehrenreich, S. (2006c) "Residence abroad and foreign language teacher education." In: Meyer, Paul Georg (ed.) (2006) English and American Studies in German 2005. Summaries of Theses and Monographs. A Supplement to Anglia.Tübingen: Niemeyer, 127-130.

Ehrenreich, S. (2006b) "'Kongress-Luft schnuppern'. Ein ausbildungsbiographisch begründetes Konzept zur Einbindung Studierender in einen wissenschaftlichen Kongress." In: Klippel, Friederike; Hahn, Angela (Hrsg.) Sprachen schaffen Chancen.Dokumentation zum 21. Kongress für Fremdsprachendidaktik der DGFF, München, Oktober 2005. München: Oldenbourg, 335-343.

Ehrenreich, S. (2006a) "The assistant experience in retrospect and its educational and professional significance in teachers' biographies." In: Byram, Michael; Feng, Anwei (eds.) Living and Studying Abroad. Re­search and Practice. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 186-209.

Ehrenreich, S. (2005b) "Der Ertrag der Fremdsprachenassistenz. Empirisch basierte Differenzierungen." In: Sekretariat der Kultusministerkonferenz – Pädagogischer Austausch­dienst (PAD) (Hrsg.) 100 Jahre Fremdsprachenassistentenprogramm. Bonn: KMK-PAD, 25-32.

Ehrenreich, S. (2005a) Englisch als lingua franca der internationalen Kommunikation in Unternehmen. Projektskizze. LMU München. (Projektskizze; pdf-Dokument, 51 KB - on request)

Ehrenreich, S. (2004c) "'Lehrer light' im Ausland – das assistant-Jahr als Beitrag zur Qualitätssicherung in der Lehrerausbildung?" In: Quetz, Jürgen; Solmecke, Gert (Hrsg.) Brücken schlagen. Sprachen – Fächer – Institutionen. Dokumentation zum 20. Kongress für Fremdsprachendidaktik der DGFF, Frankfurt am Main, Oktober 2003. Berlin: PZV, 331-340.

Ehrenreich, S. (2004b) "The challenges of becoming an intercultural teacher – the assistant experience." In: Haas, Alexandra; Schlüter, Simone (eds.) Cultures and Contexts. Conference Reader of the IATEFL TTEdSIG Conference 2004, Köln: VHS Rhein-Sieg, (8 S.).

Ehrenreich, S. (2003b) "Abroad and back home: How can foreign language teacher education help develop intercultural competence?" In: Tormy, Roland (Hrsg.) Teaching Social Justice. Intercultural and Development Education Perspectives on Education's Context, Content and Methods. Dublin: CEDR and Ireland Aid, 161-172.

Ehrenreich, S. (2003a) "'Glück gehabt' im Referendariat? – Ein Plädoyer für eine ganzheitlich professionalisierende Fremdsprachenlehrerausbildung." Englisch 38 (1), 16-21.

Ehrenreich, S. (2002) "Riverdance und Semmelknödel in irischen Klassenzimmern. Interkulturelles Lernen während eines Schüleraustauschprojekts." Englisch37 (2), 41

Kleinere Beiträge / Misc.

Ehrenreich, S. (2005) "The annual IATEFL conference: a place for 'patchwork professionals' to feel at home." In: Beaven, Briony (Hrsg.) IATEFL 2005 Cardiff Conference Selections. Kent: IATEFL, 9-10.


"English in the life worlds of Germany’s Gen Z: Autoethnographic explorations" (peer-reviewed) Paper co-presented with Lea-Christin Klaas, Nina Pleuger, Marie Wiesmann 25th Conference of the International Association of World Englishes (IAWE) 'World Englishes in a Multilingual World', 15-17 June 2023, Stony Brook University, N.Y., U.S.


"Analyzing Multilingualism within BELF (English as Business Lingua Franca): A working matrix" (peer reviewed paper), 15th GEM&L International Conference on Management and Language 'The Multiple Facets of Language in International Organizations: New Directions for Re­search', 19-21 May 2022, University of Passau, Germany.


"Languagers at work: Exploring the multiple dimensions of linguistic diversity in BELF." Panel Current Re­search & Developments in English as a Business Lingua Franca (BELF). Association for Business Communication 2020 Regional Conference Vienna 26-28 August 2021, WU Vienna, Austria (online). (Invited Talk)

"Student (Im-)Mobility and English as a Lingua Franca – Austausch zeitgemäß denken." VALS-ASLA Studientag "Sprache und Mobilität im Bildungssystem [Language and Mobility in Education]" Vereinigung der Angewandten Linguistik in der Schweiz (VALS-ASLA) [Association of Applied Linguistics in Switzerland], Studientag 11.6.2021, PH St. Gallen, Schweiz (online). (Invited Keynote)


"Languagers at work: Taking a closer look at the multiple dimensions of linguistic diversity in BELF." (Invited special talk) 23 November 2019, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan.

"Introducing students to the world of EIL and ELF: IAWE 2019 as part of teacher education and professional development." Paper co-presented with Judith Boveleth, Sabrina Hesper, Marie-Sophie Klammer, Hinrika Stache, 24th Conference of the International Association for World Englishes (IAWE), 21 - 23 June 2019, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland.


"Researching English in international business contexts: Key findings, insiders' perspectives on German-Indian interactions and future trends." Individual paper, 20th Conference of the International Association for World Englishes, 18 - 20 Dec 2014, Amity University, Delhi- Noida, India.

"ELF in international business contexts: Key issues, research traditions and future perspectives." Individual paper, 7th International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca.The American College of Greece, 4 - 6 Sep 2014, Athens, Greece.

"English as a business lingua franca. Key issues and future perspectives." Invited plenary, Third Waseda ELF International Workshop. School of Education and the Graduate School of Education, Waseda University Tokyo, 28 Feb - 1 March 2014, Tokyo, Japan.


"Intercultural communication via English: Which English? Whose culture(s)?" Invited plenary, Inaugural Symposium on the Subject of New Directions for Re­search in Language and Culture.Institute for Language and Culture at the University of Southampton, 6. Nov 2013, Southampton, England.

"Englishes and other languages in the global workplace" Invited keynote, Second ELF ReN Workshop, University of Southampton, 7-8 Nov 2013, Southampton, England.

"Teaching (B)ELF and/or Intercultural Communication? – Revisited." Colloquium co-covened with Marie-Luise Pitzl, Sixth International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca, Roma Tre, 4-7 Sep 2013, Rome, Italy.


1st ELF ReN Workshop (AILA Network) "Teaching (B)ELF and/or Intercultural Communication?" Co-organized with Marie-Luise Pitzl, TU Dortmund, 23-24 June 2012, Dortmund, Germany.


"Describing the pragmatics of English as a business lingua franca: an emic perspective." Individual paper, Englishes in the World and the World in Englishes. 17th Annual Conference of the International Association for World Englishes.23-25 Nov 2011, Melbourne, Australia.

"Was spricht die Welt? Englisch im Plural und andere Sprachen." Sektion 14: Sprachenlernen global: English and other suspects. Globalisierung, Migration, Fremdsprachenunterricht. Vortrag auf Einladung, 24. Kongress für Fremdsprachendidaktik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung (DGFF), 28. Sept. - 1.Okt. 2011, Hamburg.

"CLIL and ELF? - Englisch als Arbeitssprache in Unterricht und Beruf." Vortrag im Rahmen der Sektion 8: Bilingualer Unterricht: Bildungsräume zwischen Sprachen und Kulturen gestalten. Globalisierung, Migration, Fremdsprachenunterricht. 24. Kongress für Fremdsprachendidaktik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung (DGFF), 28. Sept. - 1.Okt. 2011, Hamburg.

"Kongressluft schnuppern" – Vorbereitungsseminar und Exkursion zum 24. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung (DGFF) an der Universität Hamburg mit Studierenden der TU Dortmund, 29. Sept. 2011.

"Englisch und andere Sprachen im Beruf: Welches Englisch, welche Kontexte?" Vortrag und Workshop im Rahmen einer Lehrerfortbildung für Fachberater Englisch für das Sächsische Bildungsinstitut. 15. September 2011, Meissen.

"Forms of address in English as a lingua franca (ELF) as a window on speakers' perceptions of sociopragmatic hybridity." Individual paper, The Fourth International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca.The Hong Kong Institute of Education, 26-28 May 2011, Hong Kong.

Podiumsdiskutantin im Rahmen des internetbasierten Webinars "What’s ELF and BELF and does it matter?", durchgeführt von Vicky Hollett und der IATEFL Business English Special Interest Group (SIG), 7. Februar 2011.


"Englisch und andere Sprachen im Beruf: Welches Englisch, welche Kontexte? – Ergebnisse einer ethnographischen Studie in internationalen Unternehmen." Vortrag, Mehrsprachigkeit. Bildung – Kommunikation – Standards. Bundeskongress des Gesamtverbandes Moderne Fremdsprachen. Universität Augsburg, 16.-18. September 2010, Augsburg.

"Doing Business in Europe and Beyond - Englisch als lingua franca und andere Sprachen in der internationalen Wirtschaft." Vortrag auf Einladung, 40. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik. Universität Leipzig, 15.-17. September 2010, Leipzig.

"'Ohne Englisch geht nicht' – Englisch als lingua franca in internationalen Unternehmen." Vortrag auf Einladung, Ringvorlesung Einblicke in Forschungslandschaften an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 28. Juni 2010, München.

"The dynamics of English as a business lingua franca. Bringing together contact linguistics and ELT." Invited plenary, Third International Conference of English as Lingua Franca. Universität Wien, 22-25 May 2010, Vienna, Austria.

"The sociolinguistics of English as a lingua franca." Individual paper, Colloquium Re-thinking Key Notions in Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching. Abtei Frauenchiemsee / Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 8..-9. März 2010, Frauenchiemsee.

Kolloquium "Re-thinking Key Notions in Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching", durchgeführt zus. mit Prof. Dr. Angela Hahn, Abtei Frauenchiemsee / Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 8.-9. März 2010, Frauenchiemsee.

"Kompetenzen realisieren – 'Englisch als lingua franca' in der internationalen Wirtschaft." Sprachkompetenz in Ausbildung und Beruf. Übergänge und Transformationen. Vortrag auf Einladung, Kolloquium der Vereinigung für Angewandte Linguistik in der Schweiz VALS/ASLA 2010. Universität und Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich, 4.-6. Februar 2010, Zürich, Schweiz.

Dr. Stefanie Rottschäfer

akad. Rätin auf Zeit

Johanna Embacher, M.Ed.

wiss. Mitarbeiterin

Ramona Krüger, M.Ed. (z.Zt. in Elternzeit)

wiss. Mitarbeiterin

Dr. Inga Püster

wiss. Mitarbeiterin

Nina-Larissa Falter, M.Ed.
wiss. Mitarbeiterin

Paula Zenker
stud. Hilfskraft

Ehemalige Teammitglieder

Laufend aktualisierte Informationen zum Praxissemester finden Sie auf den Seiten des DoKoll.


  • Das erfolgreich abgeschlossene Modul 2 und das Praxismodul bescheinigt Prof. Dr. Susanne Ehrenreich.
  • Unterschriften von externen Lehrenden erhalten Sie bei Fabian Esleben.
  • Modulprüfung LABG M8: Die Themenabsprache erfolgt mit Prof. Dr. Susanne Ehrenreich oder JProf. Dr. Carolyn Blume. Dort erhalten Sie auch die Unterschrift für die Prüfungsanmeldung. Weitere Informationen zur Prüfung finden Sie hier.

Konferenzorganisation Key Conference Activities

Diversity and Cognition. Interdisciplinary approaches in linguistics, literature and media studies. 5-7 Feb 2020, TU Dortmund University, Germany. Conference co-organiser with B. Mertins, S. Nieberle and G. M.-Boehnke.

"Teaching (B)ELF and/or Intercultural Communication? – Revisited." Sixth International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca, Roma Tre, 4-7 Sep 2013, Rome, Italy. Colloquium co-convenor with M.-L. Pitzl.

Teaching (B)ELF and/or Intercultural Communication? 1st English as a Lingua Franca ReN Workshop (AILA Re­search Network). 23-24 June 2012, TU Dortmund University, Germany. Conference co-organiser with M.-L. Pitzl.


Gutachtertätigkeit Reviewer

Applied Linguistics, European Journal of International Management, Intercultural Pragmatics, International Journal of Applied Linguistics, Journal of English as a Lingua Franca, Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, Modern Language Journal, Routledge, Zeitschrift für Fremdsprachenforschung


Gutachten, Mentoring / Institutional Service

2018-2019 Mentor for the Mentoring für Doktorandinnen Programme at Paderborn University

2019 Reviewer for Wissenschaftliche Kommission Niedersachsen

2019 External Examiner for PhD Akiko Otsu: The use and perception of English as a lingua franca by Japanese business people: exploring the gap between classroom interaction in Japan and actual workplace communication in Asian BELF contexts - Waseda University Tokoy, Japan

2016 External Reviewer for University of Southampton, UK (internal promotion)

2014 External Examiner for PhD Nuha Alharbi: Business English as a Lingua Franca in Saudi Multinational Corporations: A Qualitative Investigation of Communicative Strategies and Orientations to Use in International Workplaces -  King's College London, UK

2013 External Examiner for PhD Cornelia Hülmbauer: The Real, the Virtual and the Plurilingual - English as a lingua franca in a Linguistically Diversified Europe, Universität Wien, Austria


Redaktioneller Beirat Editorial work
  • since 2012 Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of English as a Lingua Franca
  • 2006-2016 Member of the International Advisory Board of the Journal Language and Intercultural Communication 


Presse News

Financial Times 13 Nov 2013 "Business is creating new forms of English" by M. Skapinker [Print] [Online]


Mitgliedschaften Affiliations
  • Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliqueé (AILA)
  • British Association of Applied Linguistics (BAAL)
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung (DGFF)
  • International Association of World Englishes (IAWE)

Lehrveranstaltungen / Teaching

  • Introduction to Teaching English as a Second/Foreign Language - Kurs A
  • Introduction to Teaching English as a Second/Foreign Language - Kurs B
  • English in the life worlds of Germany’s Gen Z: Student experts’ voices at IAWE 25 (N.Y., US)

  • English as a Lingua Franca
  • Forschungskolloquium: Doing Re­search in Applied Linguistics and ELT 


Introduction to Teaching English as a Second/Foreign Language - Kurs A

Prof. Dr. Susanne Ehrenreich
Tue, 08-10 am

Making the transition from former pupil to future teacher requires students of English to look at the English classroom from a new angle and to familiarize themselves with a wide range of theoretical and empirical as well as pedagogical concepts that are involved in the teaching and learning of English as a foreign language. The aim of this obligatory course is to introduce students to the field(s) of Englischdidaktik and Applied Linguistics by providing a state-of-the-art overview of relevant issues and current debates. These include the following:

- the different roles of English as a national and as a global language,
- language teacher education and teacher development,
- language learning theories,
- the teaching and learning of the language system and language use (pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar) and the four skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing),
- European and national language learning policies, e.g. educational standards (Bildungsstandards), and curricula,
- historical aspects of and recent trends in language teaching methodology,
- ways of conceptualizing and developing intercultural communicative competence as well as
- diagnosing, evaluating and assessing language proficiency.

These issues will not only be considered from the established 'English as a foreign language' (EFL) perspective in which English is primarily learnt in order to be able to communicate with native speakers. Taking into account recent research into how English is used as an international lingua franca (ELF) among speakers of different first languages, the course will also pose the question to what extent and in what ways this type of language use should be incorporated into current ELT practice. Course requirements will be announced in the first session.

Introduction to Teaching English as a Second/Foreign Language - Kurs B

Prof. Dr. Susanne Ehrenreich
Wed, 08-10 am

Making the transition from former pupil to future teacher requires students of English to look at the English classroom from a new angle and to familiarize themselves with a wide range of theoretical and empirical as well as pedagogical concepts that are involved in the teaching and learning of English as a foreign language. The aim of this obligatory course is to introduce students to the field(s) of Englischdidaktik and Applied Linguistics by providing a state-of-the-art overview of relevant issues and current debates. These include the following:

- the different roles of English as a national and as a global language,
- language teacher education and teacher development,
- language learning theories,
- the teaching and learning of the language system and language use (pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar) and the four skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing),
- European and national language learning policies, e.g. educational standards (Bildungsstandards), and curricula,
- historical aspects of and recent trends in language teaching methodology,
- ways of conceptualizing and developing intercultural communicative competence as well as
- diagnosing, evaluating and assessing language proficiency.

These issues will not only be considered from the established 'English as a foreign language' (EFL) perspective in which English is primarily learnt in order to be able to communicate with native speakers. Taking into account recent research into how English is used as an international lingua franca (ELF) among speakers of different first languages, the course will also pose the question to what extent and in what ways this type of language use should be incorporated into current ELT practice. Course requirements will be announced in the first session.


English in the life worlds of Germany’s Gen Z: Student experts’ voices at IAWE 25 (N.Y., US)

Prof. Dr. Susanne Ehrenreich
Thur, 10-12 am
801, 802, 803, 704, 103

How do you and your friends use English? For what purposes and how frequently? Mainly in class or mainly out-of-class? Who do you communicate with, in which contexts? Anecdotal evidence suggests that for Germany’s Generation Z, English has assumed a fairly regular role in their communicative life- worlds. However, up-to-date research on this topic is rare – which is the research gap that we will address in this seminar, which will culminate in a collaborative student presentation at the IAWE conference at Stony Brook University (N.Y. / US) in mid-June 2023. For this purpose, you will explore, in the course of this seminar, your own and your friends’ use of English, using different methodological approaches (from autoethnographic reports to qualitative interviews etc.). Based on your observations and data we will discuss how English can be conceptualized in a way that adequately captures the different ways you – as representatives of Germany’s Gen Z – use English today and also what this might mean in pedagogical terms for you as English teachers and your language classrooms. 
The IAWE conference (International Association of World Englishes) will be held from 15th-17th June 2023 at Stony Brook University on Long Island (N.Y./U.S). A number of seminar participants will have the unique (and maybe first-time) opportunity to attend and present at this international event. Who will get the chance to act as TU Dortmund representatives at IAWE 25 will be decided in class, based on personal interest and the quality of assignments and data. Students’ own contributions to travel and conference costs of this conference trip will be around 300-400 Euro (However no student will be excluded because of the lack of own financial means). 
The task for the first assignment (an autoethnographic report on your own use of English) will be sent out to all registered students in mid-March and is due on 8th April 2023. 
Conference website: www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/iawe25/about/index.php 
Key references: 
Jenkins, J. (2015) Global Englishes. A Resource Book for Students. (3rd rev. ed.). Abingdon: Routledge. (Available online via TU Dortmund University) Chapter: “Who speaks English today?” 
Reinders, H., Lai, C. & Sundqvist, P. (eds.) (2022) The Routledge Handbook of Language Learning and Teaching Beyond the Classroom. Abingdon: Routledge. (available online via TU Dortmund University) 
Sauro, S., & Zourou, K. (2017). Call for papers for CALL in the Digital Wilds Special Issue. Language Learning & Technology, 21(1), 186. doi.org/10125/44603 
Sauro, S. & Zourou, K. (2019). What are the digital wilds? Language Learning & Technology, 23(1), 1-7. https://doi.org/10125/44666


English as a Lingua Franca

Prof. Dr. Susanne Ehrenreich
801, 802, 803, 704, 103

English has become the global means of communication – which may be stating the obvious. What is less obvious, however, is the question of what kind of or in which ways English is used by its global speakers (see e.g. the discussion revolving around our Chancellor's and Foreign Minister's Englishes). You will realize in the course of this seminar (or you are probably aware of this already) that it is not necessarily English in the shape of one of its major native varieties, i.e. British or American English, but English as a lingua franca (ELF), which is a multilingual and interculturally rich and, above all, variable way of using English for such international purposes. In this seminar, you will be familiarized with pioneering and recent empirical research in this thriving field as well as with suggestions of how to transform such research insights into pedagogical contexts (see e.g. ELTJ 74/4). More specifically, we will look at the pragmatics of ELF, its multilingual nature, the use of ELF in various domains (e.g. International Business, Higher Education), as well as examine a range of proposals of how to include an ELF perspective into teaching, teacher education, and assessment. Details about course requirements will be discussed in the first session.



Cavalheiro, L. et al. (2021) The Handbook to English as a Lingua Franca Practices for Inclusive Multilingual Classrooms. European Commission. Available at: enrichproject.eu/images/The%20ENRICH%20Handbook%20-%20DIGITAL.pdf

English Language Teaching Journal 74(4) Oct. 2020 Special Issue: English as a Lingua Franca and Language Teaching. Available at: academic.oup.com/eltj/issue/74/4

Jenkins, J. et al. (eds.) (2018) The Routledge Handbook of English as a Lingua Franca. London: Routledge.


Forschungskolloquium: Doing Re­search in Applied Linguistics and ELT 

Prof. Dr. Susanne Ehrenreich
Tue, 12-14 am (14-tägig)