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Department of Cultural Studies
Empirical and experimental German Linguistics: Psycholinguistics

Univ.Prof. Dr. Barbara Mertins

Porträt Prof. Dr. Barbara Mertins © Roland Baege

Emil-Figge-Str. 50
Room 3.109

Secretariat: (+49)231 755 5873
Office: (+49)231 755 2916


Office hours: Please contact Johannes Hochmann if you have any student concerns, such as making an appointment or questions in connection with certificates.

Main areas of work and research

Project management in BMBF project

BeeMEHR – Warum Mehrsprachigkeit einfach mehr ist

psycholinguistics laboratories


  • Language and cognition
  • Psycholinguistic foundations of learning (memory, conceptual preferences)
  • Language pathology
  • First & second language acquisition   
  • Bilingualism (esp. cognitive advantages, code-switching)
  • Intellectual giftedness
  • Spatial cognition

Methods of Experimental Linguistic

  • Eye-tracking
  • Experimental designs & methods

Contemporary linguistics

  • Temporality research (esp. aspect & tense)
  • Definiteness and specificity
  • Lexicon

Current Announcements

  • If you need a certificate of achievement, please contact Johannes Hochmann. (Email:
  • Since winter semester 2018/19, a new, joint MA course in Empirical Multilingualism Research has been offered at TU Dortmund University and RUB. For information see EMF website.


Next office hours

Consultation hours take place digitally and by appointment only!

Scientific practices and academic career

Since Nov. 2014 to present
of Empirical and Experimental Linguistics of German - Psycholinguistics at TU Dortmund University, Faculty 15

Sept. 2014
Rejection of call to the University of Marburg: W2 professorship for DaF/DaZ

Dec. 2012
Habilitation with the thesis “Investigation on language and cognition using the example of event conceptualization and text coherence in German and Czech at the Faculty of Modern Languages ​​at the Ruprecht-Karls University of Heidelberg. Venia legendi for the subject German Linguistics with special emphasis on Psycholinguistics

Nov. 2004
PhD in psycholinguistics with the PhD thesis completed concurrently with the topic of “The expression of simultaneity in learner varieties” at Max-Planck-Institut für Psycholinguistics & Radboud University Nijmegen

Dec. 1998
Master in linguistics, philosophy, and the recent German literature at Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg in Breisgau with the research on “Context, Search Perspectives, and linguistic association activity”. An empirical work on the connection between schizophrenia and language processing.

Sept. 1993
- July 1998

Bachelor in German Studies ( specialization in neuro-linguistics), philosophy, the recent German literature at Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg in Breisgau

Oct. 1992
- June 1993

Education in the German Studies and the Bohemian studies at Charles University in Prague

Awards/ Prizes / Scholarships

Gerda Henkel Fellowship, Guest professor in the Visiting Professor Series in German Studies; Stanford University

Nomination through the students of German studies of faculty 15 for the Ars-Legendi-Prize for the excellent and research-based lecturer

IDE Award for outstanding inclusion teaching

Erasmus-Mundus research scholarship for the university of Haifa, Israel

Annual research scholarship; Center of Advanced Study, Oslo

Nomination through IDF student council for the Ars-Legendi Prize for excellent university teaching

2009 & 2010
Each is a one-week residency scholarship from Charles University Prague.

Participation in the management program on the way to a professorship in the Excellence Initiative at Heidelberg University

Klaus-Georg und Sigrid Hengstberger-Prize for the promotion of the best young scientists at Heidelberg University  

MPG PhD scholarship at Max-Planck-Institute for Psycholinguistics

DAAD-Scholarship at the Albert-Ludwigs-University, Freiburg

The website of the psycholinguistics laboratories under the direction of Prof. Dr. Mertins can be found here:

Linguistic relativity

  • bilingual first language acquisition of conceptual preferences
  • grammatical gender
  • movement events

Space and cognition

  • Differences in spatial cognition between experts and non-experts (together with Chair of Building Construction, Faculty 10)
  • The role of gender in spatial cognition
  • The role of language-specific differences in spatial cognition

Speech pathology

  • Language processing in Alzheimer's dementia
  • Language and space in WBS and Down syndrome

Further projects

The project "Wrestling with Language" approaches the topic of language and multilingualism in a new interdisciplinary context. Three forms of expression meet here: Science, dance and choreography as well as the visual arts. The aim is to enable participants to express their thoughts, knowledge and feelings on the subject in an artistic/performative way. The resulting video can be found at the following link:

Wrestling with Language


Guidelines on the procedure for BLS examinations

Download the handout on BLS examinations


BA- and MA Dissertations

Suggested topics for BA- and MA Dissertations

Please discuss the selected or planned topics of your dissertations during my consultation hours. I aim to integrate all the BA- and MA dissertations into my current research projects.

From now on, students who are writing an empirically based qualification dissertation with Prof. Dr. Mertins have access to various recording devices (video and audio) and microphones.

Download the BA- und MA-Topics


Information sheet on the written concept as module completions

The students are supposed to take a module completion exam in the modules MLS 1 „ Transfer/Mediation perspectives in German Studies” and MLS2 “Research perspectives in German Studies” in Master of German studies, one of which should be in form of a written exam. Information on this can be found in the following document:

Download the information sheet


Editor (together with Tanja Rinker and Sung-Eun Lee) of COGNITIO: Cognitive and Neuroscientific Contributions to Natural Language Processing (published by Peter Lang Verlag).

Since 2023 Prof. Mertins has been co-editor of the magazine Schnittstelle Germanistik.

Since 2023 Prof. Mertins has been associate editor of the magazine Psychology of Language and Communication.

Since 2020 Prof. Mertins has been part of the editorial board of the journal Open Slavic Linguistics.













  • Behrens, B., Mertins, B., Fabricius-Hansen, C., Hemforth, B. Understanding coordinate clauses in Czech, English, German, and Norwegian. In Hemforth, B., Mertins, B., Fabricius-Hansen, C.(eds.) Studies in theoretical psycholinguistics, Cham u.a.: Springer Verlag, 1-22.
  • Borthen, K., Hemforth, B., Mertins, B., Behrens, B., Fabricius-Hansen, C. Referring expressions in speech reports. In Hemforth, B., Mertins, B., Fabricius-Hansen, C.(eds.) Studies in theoretical psycholinguistics, Cham u.a.: Springer Verlag, 111-142.
  • Hemforth, B., Mertins, B., Fabricius-Hansen, C.(eds.) Psycholinguistic approaches to meaning and understanding across language. Cham u.a.: Springer Verlag.



  • Schmiedtová, B. Fünf Einträge für den Bereich kognitive Linguistik (Aspekt, telisch, atelisch, perfektiv, imperfektiv). In H.B. Wiegand & S. Schierholz (eds.) Wörterbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft.
  • Schmiedtová, B. Das tschechische enzyklopädische Wörterbuch – zwei Einträge: Methoden der Psycholinguistik; Zweitspracherwerb.






  • Schmiedtová, V. & Schmiedtová, B. Určení jazykové základovosti barev v Českém národním korpusu. In Korpusová lingvistika: stav a modelové přístupy. F. Čermák & R. Blatná (eds.), Lidové noviny, Praha, 285-313.


  • Schmiedtová, B. At the same time: The Expression of simultaneity in learner varieties. Berlin, Mouton de Gruyter. 

Multilingualism is a human right - a manifesto in 4 chapters:
Youtube: Multilingualism is a human right

Podcast: ZEIT Wissen. Woher weißt du das? Wie Fremdsprachen dich verändern.

Arte: 42. Die Antwort auf fast alles. Wie stark prägt die Muttersprache?
Zur Sendung

The link to the YouTube channel of psycholinguistics laboratories with videos on multilingualism and more:
YouTube channel of the psycholinguistics laboratories

The Instagram Account of the psycholinguistic laboratories

The X Channel of the psycholinguistics laboratories

Language as gravitation - Trailer of the psycholinguistics laboratories - TU Dortmund University
Trailer der psycholinguistics laboratories auf YouTube

Wrestling with language- an interdisciplinary project about multilingualism
Wrestling with language on YouTube

Inaugural lecture on January 15, 2016
Inaugural lecture of Prof. Dr. Barbara Mertins at TU Dortmund University on January 16, 2016, on YouTube


Introduction to the methods and approaches of linguistics


This lecture will provide an initial insight into the various methods of empirical and experimental linguistics. In addition, principles of good scientific practice will be explained and repeatedly addressed during the lecture and their relevance will be illustrated using examples from research.

Qualitative and quantitative methods of data analysis, as well as typical approaches to language production and reception research, will be discussed. The lecture will focus on psycho- and neurolinguistic methods.


The role of grammar in linguistic relativity


This seminar deals with the theory of linguistic relativity. The focus is on how the grammar of a language influences human cognition and the perception associated with it. Several relevant publications on this topic will be discussed and related to each other. Data from the areas of spatial and color cognition, numerical cognition, grammatical gender, and locomotion are used.

The research results and their impact on human behavior will be brought together in a discussion room and discussed from multiple perspectives. New teaching methods such as cooperative learning and team teaching will be tested as part of this seminar. This takes place in collaboration with a BA seminar run by Prof. Mertins.


Research colloquium: Thinking outside the box


The research colloquium aims to bring advanced students who are interested in new findings together in a discussion room in which the latest research topics are discussed from multiple perspectives. This semester, the colloquium once again offers participants the opportunity to look beyond their horizons, with colleagues from neighboring and distant disciplines enriching the round with lectures and subsequent discussions. The format of the colloquium is thus a mixture of intensive text work on selected psycholinguistic topics and guest lectures by invited experts from various disciplines.


Grammar and linguistic relativity


This seminar will be dedicated to the theory of linguistic relativity. The application of this theoretical approach will be presented and discussed using many examples and empirical data from different areas of human cognition. In particular, we will look at the influence of language-specific grammatical features on spatial and color cognition as well as on numerical cognition. The research results presented will be embedded in an overall context and also discussed with regard to human behavior.


Taking a close look at multilingualism


This project is connected to the workshops Wrestling with Language (February 2020) and The Babel Laboratory (February 2022). These two projects were carried out at the IBZ of TU Dortmund University with a very positive response from the participants. Thanks to support from TU Dortmund University's cultural affairs budget, pupils and students at TU Dortmund University were able to experience the topic of language and multilingualism in linguistics, dance, and visual representation as well as a music performance as part of a one-week block event.  In this final workshop, the topic of multilingualism will be scrutinized once again and examined from different perspectives.

Introduction to the methods and approaches of linguistics


This lecture will provide an initial insight into the various methods of empirical and experimental linguistics. In addition, principles of good scientific practice will be explained and repeatedly addressed during the lecture and their relevance will be illustrated using examples from research.

Qualitative and quantitative methods of data analysis, as well as typical approaches to language production and reception research, will be discussed. The lecture will focus on psycho- and neurolinguistic methods.


Research colloquium: Current research in psycholinguistics


The research colloquium aims to bring together advanced students who are interested in new research findings in a discussion room in which current research topics from the field of psycholinguistics are presented and discussed from multiple perspectives. Once again this semester, the colloquium offers participants the opportunity to look beyond their horizons by enriching the discussion with studies and findings from neighboring and distant disciplines.


Grammar and psycholinguistics


This seminar will deal with the interface between empirical-experimental linguistics and the study of grammatical phenomena and structures. The focus will be on the grammar of the German language, which we will also examine in contrast, i.e. in comparison with other languages. In addition, German spelling will be scrutinized at all linguistic levels, both linguistically and practically.


Understanding and using grammar


Understanding and using grammar is an essential core skill for every teacher of German. This seminar will focus on the grammar of German. Selected grammatical phenomena and structures at all linguistic levels will be explained and their practical application practiced. German spelling will also be scrutinized in the form of written tasks.