Team Modern and Contemporary German Literature with a Focus on Gender and Diversity

The Team on Modern and Contemporary German Literature (Prof. Dr. Sigrid Nieberle) focuses on German-language contemporary literature, on intermediality research between literature, film, and music, and on gender studies/diversity studies. Research is currently being conducted on popular literature around 1900, on intermedial and intersectional music literature research, on the poetics of key literature, and on disability studies in literary history since the 18th century, among other topics.

Prof. Dr. Sigrid Nieberle

Secretary's Office: Tamara Dittrich

Dr. Linda Leskau, Assistant Professor / Lecturer (with fixed-term contract)

Lara Carina Schlömer, M.Ed. Research Assistant

Tim Bormann, Graduate Assistant

Zhengtao Ding, M.A. Graduate Assistant & Doctoral Student

Jordan Kasper, B.A. Graduate Assistant

Adjunct Lectures