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Department of Cultural Studies

Complaint Management

Complaint Management offers a point of contact to which students can turn in the event of conflicts, complaints or suggestions for improvement regarding teaching and studies. In particular, problems with teaching and studies can be raised here.

If you have a concern, please send an email, visit the office hours or write to:

Malte Delere
Institute for Diversity Studies. Cognition ∩ Literature ∩ Media ∩ Language
Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften
Department of Cultural Studies
TU Dortmund University
Emil-Figge-Str. 50
44221 Dortmund

Vertretung: Katrin Odermann
Institute for Diversity Studies. Cognition ∩ Literature ∩ Media ∩ Language
Department of Cultural Studies
TU Dortmund University
Emil-Figge-Str. 50
44221 Dortmund


Principles and procedures

All parties involved in a complaints procedure enjoy the highest level of confidentiality. Your name and personal information will only be known to the mediator responsible for the process. Furthermore, no steps are taken that allow conclusions to be drawn about the person making the complaint, unless the student wishes this. This also applies beyond the conclusion of the individual complaint case. Should it appear useful in the procedure to have a direct discussion with all parties involved, we will ask for your express permission in advance before your name is mentioned.

All complaints received will be processed immediately and a statement will be obtained from the person concerned in order to reach a final decision. If the complaint is upheld, the specific measures defined will be implemented as quickly as possible. You will then receive immediate feedback on your complaint.

The complaints manager is obliged to deal with concerns consistently from a neutral perspective.

Please understand that we cannot process anonymous complaints and messages. However, if you would prefer to remain anonymous with your message, we recommend that you contact the German Studies Student Body, who can then arrange everything else.