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Department of Cultural Studies

Applied Linguistics and English Didactics Team

In our global and di­gi­tal age, English has become the preferred medium of com­mu­ni­cation and is often used by speakers from various lingua-cultural backgrounds in varying face-to-face or virtual constellations. Exploring the variable and dynamic nature of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) along with its pedagogical as well as social implications is the main re­search focus at the Chair of Applied Linguistics and ELT / Englische Fachdidaktik und An­ge­wand­te Sprachwissenschaft at TU Dort­mund Uni­ver­sity (Prof. Dr. Susanne Ehrenreich). Current projects explore issues such as translanguaging within (B)ELF, attitudes towards ELF in education, ELF and multilingualism as well as the use of English (as a lingua franca) by adolescents in out-of-school contexts. In teaching, one of our main goals right from the start and across our curriculum in ELT and Applied Linguistics is to encourage students to develop a re­search-based ELF-awareness, which prepares them to shape their fu­ture English classrooms in ways that reflect the (super-)diversity which characterizes the use of English, often as a lingua franca, to communicate in today’s world.

Portrait Kimberley Lau © Roland Baege

Kimberley Lau, wiss. Hilfskraft

Paula Zenker, stud. Hilfskraft

green icon, group of people © TU Dortmund

Ehemalige Teammitglieder

For signatures for courses taught by external teachers or former staff please contact Dr. Piri Leeck.

If you need help regarding registration for your ELT/Englische Fachdidaktik courses, Kimberley Lau, Johanna Embacher and Paula Zenker will be happy to assist you. They can be contacted at:

If you have questions regarding your course decision (or any related matter) in ELT/Englische Fachdidaktik, please contact Dr. Piri Leeck. She will be happy to answer your questions.