Curriculum 4.0

Objectives and theoretical principles
The university concept is based on the Curriculum 4.0 project, which is funded by the Stifterverband with the following objectives: On the one hand, it is about taking up new study content and, on the other, adapting forms of study and learning in line with the digital mediatized world.
The development of the digital offerings is based on an initial evaluation for the students and lecturers of TU Dortmund University in Department 15, which was created and evaluated at the beginning. The aim was to establish a corporate identity in the sense of participatory involvement of the status groups. The questionnaire covered various areas of media education, as well as attitudes, beliefs and other aspects relating to diversity.
In order to achieve these goals, a Digital Backbone and a Digital Suitcase are to be developed.
Project team
- Raul Garcia
- Faith Audrey Ziehli
- Lydia Wins